Dance ClassesYour best move. – View Timetable |

Dance can offer physical, social and creative benefits to people of all ages. At Queensland Ballet, we offer dance classes to ensure that you can reap the rewards. We offer weekly classes in ballet, Pilates and contemporary dance for anyone aged from 16 years to mature adults. With the focus on fun, all classes are designed to increase fitness, flexibility and co-ordination in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Research suggests dance can also improve cognitive performance and reaction times, making it a useful treatment for a number of conditions, including arthritis, dementia, depression and Parkinson’s Disease (PD). In 2013, Queensland Ballet launched a pilot program offering specialised dance classes to people with PD, based on the internationally recognised Dance for PD® program.
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Dance for Parkinson's |
Research suggests dance can also improve cognitive performance and reaction times. - Read more |